20 april, 2008

Cirkularno in linearno

Vemo, da je genetski material pri prokariontskih organizmih večinoma zaključen v krožno zanko, pri evkariontih pa je linerano oblikovan. No, bakterije včasih od osnovnega pravila odstopajo, tako da poznamo tudi pri njih linearne genome. Poskus preoblikovanja krožnega kromosoma bakterije Escherichia coli v linerano obliko je uspel tako daleč, da se spremenjeni organizem v svojih funkcijah ni bistveno razlikoval od divjega seva. O tem in drugih zanimivosti bakterijskih kromosomov tokrat na Elijevem blogu pripoveduje njegova sodelavka Merry Youle.  

2 komentarja:

  1. Would ti be possible to add a translation capability to your blog? I would like to know what it says.

    Elio Schaechter
    (Small Things Considered)

  2. Dear Elio,
    I'm not sure if the contents of my blog would be of any great interest for foreign readers. It’s meant mainly for our students in life sciences (LS) and some colleagues who don’t have themselves always the opportunity to follow the world LS blogosphere. I’m mainly apprising my readers of posts and other interesting data of my colleague bloggers from abroad and here I often link also to your superb blog. It’s really a great privilege for anybody in the discipline to have the chance of reading yours and your colleague’s brilliant articles. The post you are commenting at here is a typical example, where I use some introductory words to introduce your blog and your colleague’s Merry excellent post on linearising E.coli chromosome.
