Na vprašanja: Kakšno je trenutno stanje v rabi antibiotikov in odpornosti nanje pri človeku in živalih v svetu? V deželah z nizkim in srednjim dohodkom? Kakšni pristopi na nacionalni strani lahko pomagajo državam v borbi proti odpornosti na antibiotike? dobite odgovore v publikaciji "The State of the World's Antibiotics, 2015", ki jo najdete v prostem dostopu na strani CDDEP.
The State of the World's Antibiotics, 2015
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
is the current state of antibiotic use and resistance in humans and
animals around the globe? In low- and middle-income countries? What
national-level strategies can help countries combat antibiotic
resistance? - See more at:
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